Fundraising with Northern Neck Popcorn Bag
Let Northern Neck Popcorn Bag, Pop for your purpose. Many organizations, clubs, and schools have relied on Northern Neck Popcorn Bag to provide a unique and popular local product for fundraising with a generous profit share to your organization competitive with national companies. Getting started is easy!

Part of our mission since opening in 2016 has been to serve the communities around us through Popping for a Purpose. Many organizations, clubs, and schools in the Northern Neck Community, have relied on us to provide a unique and popular local product for fundraising.
Northern Neck Popcorn Bag offers a profit margin competitive with national companies. Northern Neck Popcorn Bag proudly supports local educational and not-for-profit organizations through these Popping for a Purpose partnerships.
1. Choose your flavors. Typically, 6 flavors are on a sale. The popcorn is packaged in a tamper proof container which holds approximately 9 cups of popcorn. Savory/Candy/Caramel retail is $12, Specialty retail is $17 per container. Northern Neck Popcorn Bag will design your order form and send the digital file to you to print. Your order form will include your organizational logo, branding etc., and include a synopsis of what the profits will support. Specialty flavors with chocolate will not be sold May–September, as they will melt.
The following flavors are available for the sale. Please choose 6 total. (No specialty May - Sept) $12 each: Buttery White Cheddar, Movie Theater Butter, Dill Pickle, Buffalo Ranch, Crabby Corn, Salt & Vinegar, Garlic Parmesan, Salted Caramel, Rainbow, Snickerdoodle, Caramel $17 each: Salted Dark Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Peanut butter, Lemon Cheesecake, White Chocolate Oreo
2. Select start and end dates for your sale. Your organization will collect orders and payments. Check payments are made to your organization. Close to the end of your sale Northern Neck Popcorn Bag will also provide a master order form (excel spreadsheet) for final turn in of orders. Your organization will tally and consolidate the order to the master order form. Orders must be tallied on this Master Order Form. The Master Order form is submitted to us by email, on the agreed date with payment. Missing this submission date can cause your order to be delayed. Turnaround time is 2 weeks. Payment is made to Northern Neck Popcorn Bag by check only. NO CASH will be accepted. Your organization will keep 40% of the proceeds from the sale. The Master Order Form will calculate the total sales, and the amount your organization made and the amount due to Northern Neck Popcorn Bag.
3. Fulfillment. You will be given a date for order pickup when your order is scheduled. Pickup locations are in Kilmarnock, Gloucester, Warsaw, King George or Fredericksburg VA. Delivery is available for a fee. For large orders a team will be needed on your side to sort and distribute the orders. We recommend a large space in which to work. Several vehicles may be needed to transport the boxes for your order. Your organization sorts and distributes orders to your members for delivery. Popcorn is sensitive to heat and humidity. Savory flavors last 7-10 days, candy and specialty flavors 2-3 weeks. All team members must know that their orders must be delivered to their purchasers within 1-2 days of pickup.
Online sales are an option we can offer. Family and friends out of town can place orders to support your sale. Shipping is not included in the split of proceeds from the sale.
NNK Popcorn Bag needs 2 weeks to produce a pickup order once it has been submitted.
Email us at with questions. A fundraising agreement must be completed to get scheduled.
Thank you for letting us POP for your Purpose!